parent information

Your Parent Information Packet is now available online. This packet contains complete information on what campers need to bring to camp, the forms that need to be filled out and our general camp policies. This is being given to you well ahead of when your child begins camp so that you will have time to review the material with your camper and return the necessary forms on schedule. Read the packet and download the forms below.


welcome to camp fit!

We welcome you and your family to Camp Fit 2025. Everyone at Camp Fit is very excited that you could join us this year. To all of our returning families, we would like to thank you for your continued support and for allowing us to be a part of your lives. We would like to welcome all new campers to the Camp Fit family. We are committed to your child experiencing all of the fun and enjoyment that camp can bring, a summer of lasting memories, and lifelong friendships in a safe and healthy environment.


what’s in the parent packet?

In addition to the necessary forms, all camp balances must be paid in full prior to your child attending camp. Please do not hesitate to call us at 845.896.5678 should you have any questions or concerns prior to the start of camp or email us at

Everything You Need to Know

Curbside Drop Off & Pickup

Camp Schedule is 9AM–4PM. Campers will be dropped off and picked up at the All Sport Outdoor Park Tennis Courts. Drop off will be between 8:30–9AM and pick up between 3:45–4:15PM. Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles. All campers must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian who is responsible for dropping off and picking up the child. Please have your child ready to leave the car in a timely manner for drop off to help traffic move along smoothly.


Before & After Care

Only campers pre-registered for before and/or after care are permitted to be dropped off / picked up outside of regular camp hours. When dropping off / picking up campers from before/after care, please walk campers to the Outdoor Park Main desk. Campers will need to be signed in/out by a parent/guardian. Before camp care begins at 7:30AM. Afternoon care ends at 5:30PM.


Swim Lessons PLUS 

Campers may add swim lessons to their daily activities for an additional cost per week. Counselors will see that campers enrolled in these programs are brought to and from their camp groups. Space is limited for swim lessons. No refunds or make-ups will be given due to sickness, absences, or cancelled classes due to weather.


Camp Deposits

All camp deposits of $75 per week of registration are non-refundable.


Camp Payments

 The full camp balance is due by June 1st.  We have 2 different payment plans that you can take advantage of:

  • Bi-monthly: This plan allows you to split your camp payments into bi-monthly payments. Payments are made on the 1st and 15th of each month
  • Balance paid in full: This plan will charge the full Camp balance on June 1st.

For any camper registering after June 1st, tuition must be paid in full at the time of registration.

All payment plans will be charged to the primary card/checking account on file in your Parent Dashboard. A 3% processing fee will be added to all credit card and debit card payments. You may avoid this fee by using your checking or savings account as your primary method of payment. Processing fees will not be refunded. During out most recent software update, all forms or payment were removed from your account. New payment information will be required at point of registration. 



All Camp Fit payments are non-refundable after June 1st. At the Camp Directors discretion, credits may be issued under certain circumstances. Credits will be good until the end of camp the following summer. No refunds or credits will be given due to sickness, absence, or missed days.


Administration Fee

Campers may change their weeks up to June 1st with no penalty. After June 1st, any camp change will result in a $10 administration fee. Please try to register in advance to allow us to staff appropriately. 



Camp Fit utilizes text messaging, emails, and a weekly newsletter to communicate with our campers and parents. Text message opt in can be selected through the parent portal or by contacting our Camp Director via email: Text messaging is used to alert parents of any programming changes including and not limited to parent drop off and pick up. Please also note, Important Phone Number to Remember: All Sport Health and Fitness 845.896.5678


Rainy Days & Hot Days

Camp will meet each day as schedules, rain or shine. Some activities may continue to take place outdoors even in a rain shower. In the event of severe weather or extreme heat, camp will be held in our indoor facility and camp schedules and activities will be adjusted.



Children must bring their own bagged lunches and snacks. Please provide enough for your camper to have a snack in the morning and afternoon. Refrigeration will be provided. Campers must bring a water bottle every day. Refill water stations will be available. Campers will have the option to purchase afternoon snacks at our camp Snack Shack. Campers will also have the option to purchase lunch at an additional cost. Be sure to check the Camp Fit Lunch Menu.


Health & Safety

Health and safety are the highest priorities for summer camp activities. Most staff persons are trained in standard first aid and CPR. All pool staff are certified lifeguards. Most camp injuries are minor and are handled by our Camp Staff. If an injury occurs that may require further medical attention, you will be called to pick up your child. In a serious emergency, you will be called with the details and involved in the decision making.



Please do not send your child to camp if they are sick. Should your child become ill at camp, we will see that he/she is resting comfortably and call you for pick up. There will be a strict 24 hour sick policy. If the child has a fever, they cannot return to camp until they are fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication.


Peanut Allergies

While we are not a peanut-free camp, we do have a number of campers with peanut allergies. We are asking that parents try to avoid packing peanut-based products in lunches/snacks and find other suitable alternatives whenever possible.


Medical Forms

NYS Department of Health mandates that all campers must have a health form on file with up-to-date immunizations prior to the first day of camp. Children will not be allowed to attend camp without them. Campers taking medication must complete the Medical Administration form.


Sun Safety

We recommend that campers wear and bring sunscreen everyday. Campers should apply sunscreen before coming to camp each morning. If campers need sunscreen reapplied during the day, please show them how to reapply and counselors will remind them to do so.


What Your Child Should Bring to Camp

Comfortable, well-worn clothing and sneakers should be the norm. (Please no sandals or party shoes). Each child should bring a backpack with a bag lunch, snacks, bathing suit, towel, lifejacket approved by the US Coast Guard (if needed), water bottle, sunscreen. Send extra clothes/rain gear and a sweatshirt on chilly mornings. Remember that this is a camp and children will be changing clothes, running around, and losing items. Please label belongings and do not send your favorites to camp.


What “Not” To Bring

It is highly recommended that campers do not bring anything of value (ie; iPods, cell phones, games, toys, other electronics, etc.) We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.


Lost and Found

Please label your child’s belongings. Counselors will make every effort to collect all belongings before leaving an activity. Please remind your camper it is their responsibility to keep track of their belongings.


Cell Phone Usage

We are encouraging our campers to “Unplug and Connect” with one another. ALL electronic devices including cell phones, iPods, tablets, etc. are not permitted at camp. If a cell phone comes to camp, we will hold it at the front desk and return it to the camper before they go. Please do not encourage your camper to break our rules about cell phones. If you need to reach them, you can call the camp.


Camp Groups

Campers are grouped by the grade they are going into in the fall. If you have a request for your camper to be grouped with a friend, please let us know ahead of time so we can arrange the groups accordingly. If your child is unhappy in their group and would like to switch, they need to bring it to the attention of the program staff. We will do our best to accommodate group requests and changes as long as we can do so and remain in the appropriate supervision rations.


Camp Activities

Camper groups will rotate to different activities throughout the day including swimming, sports & games, arts & crafts, free play, and camper’s choice. Campers have a free swim period every day.


Sample Daily Schedule

9–9:15 AM Arrival, attendance, announcements
9:15–10AM Activity 1 Sports & Games
10:15–11AM Activity 2 Free Swim
11:15–12PM Activity 3 Arts & Crafts
12–12:45PM Lunch
1–1:45PM Camper’s Choice Activity
2–2:45PM Camper Group Activity
3–3:45PM Cool Down Activity / Snack / Clean up
4PM Dismissal


Camp Behavior

Each camper is responsible for his/her behavior. If your camper is having difficulty with another camper, we ask that you help us in reminding your child to seek a camp staff member and allow them to assist in solving the problem. Any acts of aggression, provoked or otherwise, will not be tolerated and could result in camp suspension. Each camper is expected to respect direction from any member of the camp staff the first time. Each camper is expected to use appropriate language at all times. 

Our campers disciplinary policy is as follows:

1st offense: Verbal warning with explanation given

2nd: Time away from scheduled activity

3rd: Written incident report

4th: Parent conversation with possible suspension from camp program

5th: Removal from camp program without a refund of camp payment 


Camp Tax ID: 14-1609934


Camp Comments / Suggestions / Concerns Your feedback is important to us and will help us to improve your child’s summer camp experience. Please feel free to contact us at:

Ian Wing – Camp Fit Director. 845.896.5678 ext. 104


Visit Us

17 Old Main St
Fishkill NY 12524

Contact us


CLUB Hours

M-TH: 5am – 9pm

Friday: 5am – 8pm

Sat/Sun: 7am – 6pm