Register for classes, make payments, update personal information, and more!

Member Logins

Manage your All Sport membership online anywhere, anytime!

Club Automation

What can I do on Club Automation?

  • View and register for classes
  • Make purchases
  • Update e-mail, phone #, address & more
  • Change your billing information
  • View and print payment and check-in history
  •  …and more!

How do I register?

  1. Follow the link below
  2.  On the Club Automation website, click “Create an Account
  3. Use your First and Last Name as well as email address on file with All Sport to create your account

The All Sport App

The All Sport Health and Fitness App can be downloaded in the Apple or Google Play store.

  1. Visit the Store and search ‘All Sport Health and Fitness’
  2. Once downloaded, you will get a welcome screen. Click the ‘Create an Account.’
  3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and email address on file at All Sport. Hit ‘Continue’ for next steps.
  4. Enter the verification code sent to the email address. Then create a Username and Password. This username and password are the same for both the app and using Club Automation online.
  5. Once your account is created, you can login to the new All Sport App!
  6. Once logged it, you’re all set!

How do I sign up for classes?

  1. Click the Schedule tab.
  2. Select the date of the class.
  3. Find the class you’d like to take and hit ‘Sign Up.’


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Visit Us

17 Old Main St
Fishkill NY 12524

Contact us


CLUB Hours

M-TH: 5am – 9pm

Friday: 5am – 8pm

Sat/Sun: 8am – 6pm